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Scripta Scientifica Medica

Determination of heavy metals in black sea mytilusgallo provincialis and rapana venosa

M. Stancheva, Veselina Ivanova, K. Peycheva


Shellfish living in seas can accumulate heavy metals and thus serve as excellent passive biomonitors. Concentrations of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), lead (Pb) and manganese (Mn) in two kinds of shellfish, Rapana venosa and Mytilus galloprovincialis were determined. Samples were collected at three coastal sites along the Bulgarian Black Sea, including one mussel farm. Shellfish tissues were subjected to microwave-assisted acid digestion followed by appropriate atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) (Flame AAS for Mn, Electro thermal AAS for Cd, Pb and As). Concentration of total mercury was determined by Direct Mercury Analyzer. Levels of metals varied within species. The results clearly indicated that the concentrations of As exceeded the maximum permissible levels (MLPs) of 2,0 mg/kg according to the Bulgarian Food Codex (2004).

Scripta Scientifica Medica 2012; 44(2): 27-30.

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About The Authors

M. Stancheva
Medical University of Varna

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy

Veselina Ivanova
Medical University of Varna

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy

K. Peycheva
Medical University of Varna

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy

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