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Scripta Scientifica Medica


R. Cherkezova, Z. Zlatev, M. Ilarionova


The acute toxicity of polymer compositions when introduced perorally in rats and intraperitonealy in mice has been determined. The materials examined are plaster-like. Their production is based on a hydrophilized unsaturated polyester resin. The latter is object of investigations elsewhere and enables the obtaining bicomponent polymer systems in combination with a carbamide-formaldehyde or mclamine-formaldehyde resins. Experimental animals are selected and observed prior to and after the introduction of polymer substances during different periods of time according to the kind of investigation. Neither changes in animal appearance and behaviour, nor mortality cases for all doses examined are registered. These results define polymer composites as low-toxic ones (according to the IVth class of chemical compounds) and present the first stage in the course of research aiming at evaluating their safety when applied in both medical and stomatological practices.


Bicomponent polymer systems; hydrophilized unsaturated polyester; acute oral toxicity; acute intraperitoneal toxicity; toxicity classification

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About The Authors

R. Cherkezova

Z. Zlatev

M. Ilarionova

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