Recently, knowledge of gastric cancer risk factors and pathogenesis allows successful preventive strategy. A 61-year old female patient with upper dyspeptic syndrome as well as with multiple gastric polyposis of mixed adenomatous and hyperplastic nature, Helicobacter-pylori (Hp) infection, atrophic gastritis and severe bile reflux was reported. She was followed-up by endoscopy with histology once a year for 11 years. According to the OLGA staging system, the patient was stratified in group 3 of high GC risk. Hp infection was proved by urease test and histology. A polypectomy of the cardial polyps was performed and pathomorphologically examined. A 10-day sequential therapy for Hp-infection eradication was administered. Long-lasting chemoprevention with folic acid, antioxidants and aspirin/esomeprazol was recommended. Triple polypectomy of six polyps of mixed nature was performed. The patient is still free of disease.
Scripta Scientifica Medica 2012; 44(2): 89-91.