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Scripta Scientifica Medica

Successful gastric cancer prevention

Miglena Stamboliyska, Iskren Kotsev, Renka Kolova


Recently, knowledge of gastric cancer risk factors and pathogenesis allows successful preventive strategy. A 61-year old female patient with upper dyspeptic syndrome as well as with multiple gastric polyposis of mixed adenomatous and hyperplastic nature, Helicobacter-pylori (Hp) infection, atrophic gastritis and severe bile reflux was reported. She was followed-up by endoscopy with histology once a year for 11 years. According to the OLGA staging system, the patient was stratified in group 3 of high GC risk. Hp infection was proved by urease test and histology. A polypectomy of the cardial polyps was performed and pathomorphologically examined. A 10-day sequential therapy for Hp-infection eradication was administered. Long-lasting chemoprevention with folic acid, antioxidants and aspirin/esomeprazol was recommended. Triple polypectomy of six polyps of mixed nature was performed. The patient is still free of disease.

Scripta Scientifica Medica 2012; 44(2): 89-91.

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About The Authors

Miglena Stamboliyska
Medical University of Varna

Department of Gastroenterology

Iskren Kotsev
Medical University of Varna

Department of Gastroenterology

Renka Kolova
Medical University of Varna

Department of General and Clinical Pathology

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