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The role of Pet/Ct for differential diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis and lung cancer: case report

Borislav Chaushev, Pavel Bochev, Ivan Krasnaliev, Anelia Klisarova, Zhaneta Georgieva, K. Yordanov, J. Dancheva, C. Yordanova


Most sol i tary pul mo nary nod ules are dis cov ered in ci den tally on chest ra dio graphs and prac ti cally all pa tients un dergo fur ther di ag nos tic eval u a tion, since ma lig nancy can not be ruled out. Sol i tary pul mo nary nod ules are also fre quently en coun tered in pa tients in fected with My co bac te rium tu ber cu lo sis. Tu ber cu lo sis and lung can cer are very com mon dis eases of the lungs. Sub ject: of our study was a sixty-one year old male who had com plained of weak ness and hemoptysis for two months.

METHODS: The pa tient un der went aCTscan of the tho rax with in tra ve nous con trast, spu tum ex am i na tion, bron chos copy with brush bi opsy, tu ber cu lin skin test (Mantoux), PET/CT scan of the whole body with 18 F- FDG.

RESULTS: The PET/CT scan of thewhole body re vealed a nod u lar le sion in the up per lobe of right lung with cen tral zone of ne cro sis and ir reg u lar bor ders, in creased up take of 18F-FDG, SUV 5.8 in them and nod ule le sion in the right suprarenal gland with high glu - cose me tab o lism in the bor ders SUV 4.3.

CONCLUSION: In te grated PET/CT is better im ag ing tech nique than CT alone, PET alone and vi sual cor re la tion of PET and CT.

SSM, 2012;44(1):11-15

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About The Authors

Borislav Chaushev
Medical University of Varna

Department of Nuclear Medicine

Pavel Bochev
Medical University of Varna

Department of Nuclear Medicine

Ivan Krasnaliev
Medical University of Varna

Department of Pathology

Anelia Klisarova
Medical University of Varna

Department of Nuclear Medicine

Zhaneta Georgieva
Medical University of Varna

Department of Internal Medicine

K. Yordanov
St. Marina University Hospital of Varna

Department of Nuclear Medicine

J. Dancheva
St. Marina University Hospital of Varna

Department of Nuclear Medicine

C. Yordanova
St. Marina University Hospital of Varna

Department of Nuclear Medicine

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