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Modern aspects of clinico-pathological characteristics and treatment of malignant colonic obstruction

Sh. Tadjer, M. Tadjer, Nikola Kolev, A. Zlatarov, Valentin Ignatov, Anton Tonev, Krasimir Ivanov


The colorectal cancer is diagnosedatits complicated stage in 40 to 60%, including 35% with symtptoms of colonic obstruction. The postoperative mortality remains high, as well ast helethality. Our aim is to study the up-to-date aspects in the clinicopathological characteristics and treatment of malignant colonic obstruction (colon ileus cancer). From 1009 patients operated for24 years (1982-2005) with colorectal cancer with median age 67 years 378 patients (37.4%) were over 70years. The most important aim is too vercome the obstruction and restore the intestinal passage and if possible performare section of the tumor. The surgical tactics in case of malignat obstruction of the right colon is well described in the literature, but the question of tactics in case of left colon remains-single or double-tage operation. Other methods have also been discussed, suchascecostomy, NdYAG laser vaporization of the obstructing tumor. The stenting is related with significant advantages and is used for palliative procedures or as a bridge to surgery.

Scripta Scientifica Medica 2011;43(2):63-71

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About The Authors

Sh. Tadjer
National multi-profile transport hospital Tsar Boris III - Sofia

M. Tadjer
National multi-profile transport hospital Tsar Boris III - Sofia

Nikola Kolev
Medical University of Varna

A. Zlatarov
St. Marina University Hospital of Varna

Valentin Ignatov
Medical University of Varna

Anton Tonev
Medical University of Varna

Krasimir Ivanov
Medical University of Varna

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