Tinnitus is the perception of phantom sound in the absence of an external source. Its influence on quality of life varies from minimal to severe. Tinnitus has considerable heterogeneity, thus no single mechanism explains it. There is neither effective drug treatment for the vast majority of patients nor standard rehabilitation management. Keeping that in mind, any reliable option for treatment, even for a minor group, is worth investigating.
The possible relationship between obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and tinnitus, and the effect of continuous positive airway pressure on organ of hearing are discussed.
We have reviewed scientific literature using Medline, PubMed, Google, and conducted a manual search of reference lists of any incorporated paper. The key terms used were: “tinnitus”, “obstructive sleep apnea syndrome,” and “CPAP”.
The following investigation can clarify the tinnitus prevalence in patients suffering from OSAS, specify whether tinnitus is the result of OSAS or its comorbid condition or just a coincidence, and assess the efficacy and indications of this approach to tinnitus treatment.
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