Summary: Grounds: In the article are given some tendencies concerning the health promotion in the context of the declared by UN Decade for education for sustainable development. In the concept for sustainability in- cluding the healthcare, health promotion aspect has to be put on the first place. But it must consider the change of the paradigm in medicine from humanist to social one and economical and from there the necessity of much more personal responsibility to health. The purpose of the study is to examine the opinion of health specialists in relation to some factors of sustainable development and health promotion. Material and method of examination is anonymous sociological questionnaire with students from the Faculty of Public Health - So- fia. Inquired were 35 students from the Master program of the faculty of Public health, MU-Sofia. The materi- als are set to processing and interpretation. Results show, that the inquired students are informed about the concept for sustainable development and share the opinion in which direction the reserves for our healthcare system have to be found.
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