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Здравословен начин на живо по време на бременност

Б. Юстиниянова, E. Христова, Д. Димитрова


A transversal inquiry study was conducted on the healthy way of life during pregnancy of 106 women with av- erage age 28 ± 5,1 yrs., attending School for parents in the town of Varna. The following subjects have been studied: 1.Food consumption and nutrition behavior. 2.Negative behavior habits (consumption of alcohol and tonic beverages, smoking and taking drugs). 3.Some aspects of cavity-protection prophylactics. 4.Physical ac- tivity. 5.Information for healthy way of life. Generalized results of the study show that in the prevailing part of the pregnant women nutrition is healthy and is characterized with proper food consumption and nutrition be- havior. Negative behavior habits as consumption of alcohol and tonic beverages, smoking and taking drugs are risk factors for pregnancy. The interviewed have pointed out that during pregnancy they do not smoke, do not consume alcohol, and do not use narcotic substances. 14% drink 1-2 cups of caffeinated coffee daily, 11% drink decaffeinated coffee, and 6,2% substitute coffee with Coca-Cola. According to 95,4% of the pregnant women the physician in dental medicine did not direct them to consumption of nutrition products with cav- ity-protective action. The interviewed have good oral hygiene. 77% of the women maintain physical activity, as 41,5% are practicing exercises for pregnant, 6,2% walk 3 km every day, 3,1% swim when they have the chance, 23% have pointed out that they do not maintain physical activity. They receive information for healthy way of life mainly from: friends (83,1%), specialized websites (81,5%), School for parents (63,1%). School for parents is an adequate form for improvement of health culture of pregnant women.


School for parents; pregnant women; nutrition; physical activity; negative behavior habits

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About The Authors

Б. Юстиниянова
Medical University of Varna

E. Христова
Medical University of Varna

Д. Димитрова
Medical University of Varna

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