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Dynamics of basic planning indicators of the surgical wards at fifth multiprofile hospital for active treatment-Sofia ad

R. Yaneva, V. Katzarov


The hospital is the most complex institutions in modern healthcare system. (1) It is a service facility with properties that provide its specific complexity. As such institution, the hospital has a set of resources that are used in various out- put processes. The efficiency degree is a ratio between the activity results resources expenses. Achieving the optimum level of efficiency, means reaching a certain level of activ- ity with an optimum level of resources (5).
Continuously rising health care funds put to health officials the issue of cost-effective allocation and spending of health resources.
Management of diagnostic and treatment process in the hospital has to ensure efficient use of personnel labour and the medical equipment, available diagnostic and therapeu- tic methods, and tools of different nature (including future development in this respect), so as to achieve the most fa- vourable outcome of disease in the most rational use of hospital resources (3).
Hospital bed is the main material resources of the hospital. It is necessary a link to established between the actual use of beds and their theoretical maximum use (5).
Whether the beds are more or less used, in terms of effec- tiveness, the stay can be adequate or not. The stay is a clas- sic intermediate product and as such is used for diagnosis and / or treatment of patients (6).
Bed/day ratio for each patient is determined by the disease and in a direct relation of clinical discretion of the physi- cian. It also depends on external factors, from the foreign medical decision and outcome processes in other units.
The most important indicators for the organization of hospital services are: (St. Gladilov) (2).
Utilization of beds (in days) - shows on average how many days within a year one bed was occupied by patients. Bed/day number for the period is divided by the average number of beds;


basic planning indicators; hospital; surgical wards; diagnostic and treatment process; efficient use of resources

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About The Authors

R. Yaneva
Medical University of Varna

V. Katzarov
Medical University of Varna

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