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Surgical treatment of ulcerative colitis

Krasimir Ivanov, Valentin Ignatov, Nikola Kolev, Anton Tonev


The ulcerative colitis has a frequency of 80 to 120 / 100 000 per year in some regions, and there are founded 15 new cases up on 100 000 people in Europe every year. Despite of success in conservative therapy, a big group of patients under go surgical treatment. Absolute indications for surgery are the complications of ulcerative colitis (UC). General indications for surgical treatment are the failure and in tractability of conservative therapy, bleeding, acute colitis, toxic mega colon, perforation, obstruction, dysphasia of intestinal mucosa, or carcinoma in the cases with more than 10 years with UC. The advancing to SMOF is poor prognostic factor, and the success of surgical treatment is defined by exact preoperative preparation. A problem is the need of resection of big bowel segment, the difficult choice for operative method including insurance of continence, the need of undergoing multiple-staged operations, and précising the surgical tactics in cases of emergency. The quality of life in patients with UC is increasing after colectomy. The prolonged postoperative results depend from success of the treatment of systematic manifestation from the disease, as well as the way of life of the patients.

Scripta Scientifica Medica 2009; 41(2): 157-162

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About The Authors

Krasimir Ivanov
Medical University of Varna

Valentin Ignatov
Medical University of Varna

Nikola Kolev
Medical University of Varna

Anton Tonev
Medical University of Varna

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