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Scripta Scientifica Medica


П. Стамболиев


Immunoelectrophoretic investigations are performed on the blood sera of 244 patients with  schizophrenia in the course of 271 attacks and 102 remissions. Rabbits` antisera are employed, obtained fron serum of schizophreniacs and healthy subjects. The most frequent increase of certain globulin fractions is recorded in the patients with first and second attack of psychosis (70±9.2%, 77± 13.2%), more rarely in patients with late attacks (54 + 11.2%) and insignificant in chronic patients (20 ±14.6%). In early remissions, the tendency towards normalization of the immunoelectrophoregrams is well pronounced, whilts in late attacks, the serum globulin changes become rather inert. Most frequently, increased serum globulins are displayed by patients with schizophrenia running a periodic course (76+9.8%), more rarely - in patients with seizure-progredient course (61 ±7.8%) and insignificant - in patients with uniterrupted course of the schizophrenia (20 ±14.6%). It is furthermore established that p-2 A globulins are most frequently increased in patients in the first attack and in acute onset of the psychosis, and practically never in patients with late seizures and steady schizophrenic course.The author is in the opinion that the changes referred to have a reactive nature and might be considered as the result of hypothetic etiological influence.

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П. Стамболиев

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