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Relationship between prostate volume and some anthropometric measurements

H. Akdere, G. Cevik, M. Karahan, S. Cikmaz, A. Yilmaz


Prostate volume measurements are frequently used to diagnose prostate abnormalities. Knowing the normal val­ues of the prostate volume helps to diagnose prostate pathologies. The aim of this study is to investigate the rela­tionship among prostate volume, interspinal distance and symphysis pubis height.

Thirty-nine volunteers who were patients of the Urology Clinic at the Faculty of Medicine of Trakya Universi­ty participated in this study. Volunteers did not have any prostate diseases. After demographic data, such as age, height, and weight of the volunteers were recorded, the right and left spina iliaca anterior superior were marked on the skin to measure the interspinal distance. The distance between the two points was measured by using a pel­vimeter. Likewise, the upper and lower points of the pubic symphysis were marked and the distance between them was measured using a caliper. The transabdominal screening method using Esaote brand MyLab â„¢ 40 model ul­trasonic device was applied to measure prostate volume.

Mean values of age, height, weight, bispinal distance, pubic symphysis height and prostate volume of the volun­teers were 42.35 - 174.46 cm - 78.69 kg - 28.10 cm - 6.21 cm - 24.53 cm, respectively. There was a significant corre­lation between prostate volume and pubic symphysis (p<0.05). Similarly, there was a significant relationship be­tween prostate volume and bispinal distance (p<0.05). Since prostate volume is associated with these morphomet­ric measurements, it can give clues to clinicians while examining patients. We suggest expanding this study with more participants to ensure more accurate results.

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About The Authors

H. Akdere
Trakya University

G. Cevik
Trakya University

M. Karahan
Trakya University

S. Cikmaz
Trakya University

A. Yilmaz
Trakya University

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