Acupuncture is a treatment method which aims to treat diseases by pricking needles on specific skin points. These acupuncture points are located on linear meridians. These points are stimulated by using needle, pressure, light, ultrasound and power current. The treatment relies on the principle of affecting the points.
The meridians which include these points are linear lines where energy flow occurs. The meridians of traditional Chinese medicine are defined as follows: Conception Vessel Meridian (CV), Extra Acupuncture Points (EX); Gall Bladder Meridian (GB), Governing Vessel Meridian (GV), Heart Meridian (HT), Kidney Meridian (KD), Large Intestine Meridian (LI), Lung Meridian (LU), Liver Meridian (LV), Pericardium Meridian (PC), Small Intestine Meridian (SI), Spleen Meridian (ST), Stomach Meridian (ST), Triple Heater Meridian (TH), and Urinary Bladder Meridian (UB).
The head and neck region contains a lot of these meridians. It has a potential function of expressing our emotional states. Nerves and vessels are in a close relationship with the skin. Because of that it necessitates more careful treatment during the interventional procedures.
The specialist must be especially careful about the Stomach Meridian because of the large intestine points near the foramens. Also, attention must be paid while applying acupuncture to the Triple Heater Meridian, because of the ear section.