Investigation of the drug allergy on 224 patients has been made for a period of 5 years. 190 of the patients were tested with the most probable medicine which causes cutireaction. With 108 of the patients the tests were positive (or with 56,84%). Epicutaneous reactions were used for laboratory diagnosis (from 150 tests total, 27 were positive or 18%), as well as difusion in culture medium after Ochterlony (415 tests from which 85 positive or 20,48%). The medicines which cause allergic reaction or cutirection are as follows: 1) salicilates - 20,54%; 2) antibiotics - 16,97%; 3) large-spectrum antibiotics - 12.50%; 4) chinolines - 11,60%; 5) pyrosolonics - 8,04%; 6) tranquillizers— 2,68%; 7) anilines - 1,79%; 8) novocainics - 7,13%; 9) sulphonamides - 4,47%; 10) opium preparations - 3,57%; 11) others— 10,71%.
The clinical forms through which the above cutireactions manifest themselves are as loilows: dermatitis - 50%, drug urticaria - 22,22%, fixed dermatitis - 9,26%, Erythema nodosum - 6,48%, Erythema exs. multiforme - 4,63%, eczema - 2,78%, spastic bronchitis - 2,78%, purpura - 1,85%.
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