Seven female patients with acromegaly (Marie's disease) have been examined, 6 of which in active and 1 in unactive phase of the disease. After a preliminary investigation of the condition of the suprarenal cortex with inserted ACTH , intravenous metopyronic test has been carried out with 1 grm of metopyrone. This test is negative with all patients in the active phase of acromegaly. With most of the patients the suprarenal cortex does not respond to the exogenically inserted ACTH, which most probably is due to its being functionally depressed. Normal reaction to ACTH has been established in patients with stabilized disease only. Under the influence of X-rays treatment of the hypophysis, a tendency towards normalization of suprarenal reaction of the cortex has been noticed, due to the ACTH and metopyron influence.
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