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П. Майнхард, Г. Марков, Aл. Станчев, K. П. Попов


Eleven brains of patients dead of hepatic coma have been examined, as well as two of patients dead of hepatic cirrhosis, but not in coma. Coma in patients with cirrhosis develops gradually and is accompanied by agitating psychomotor manifestations, while coma in patients with toxic hepatic dystrophy develops more quickly, accompanied by psychomotor agitation and haemorrhagenic phenomena. Pathologoanatomically, in all of the above cases alterations of the nervous cells have been established; in certain cases with proliferations of the neuroglia, point-like haemorrhages and neutral fats in and round the walls of the vessels. In a few cases only organic neurological symptomatics occurs due to the nature and degree of lesions which could not possibly give focal neurological symptomatics, or due to coma which is able to disguise it.

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About The Authors

П. Майнхард

Г. Марков

Aл. Станчев

K. П. Попов

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