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Our own method for reduction and obliteration of the cavity in cases of frontoethmoidal mucocele

Tsvetan Tonchev


The frontoethmoidal mucocele engaging the orbit and neighboring structures is relatively uncommon. The presented case uses operative treatment with coronal approach in which for reduction and obliteration of the cavity and the nasofrontal canal the author uses his' own method of a flap that consists of periost and galea aponeurotica. The article describes the sequence of the treatment and the operation. The case report confirms a very good postoperative result and lack of recurrence thirty six months after surgery. The author is reviewing the contemporary literature and the clinical approach with this disease.

Scripta Scientifica Medica 2008; 40(2): 157-160.

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About The Author

Tsvetan Tonchev
Medical University of Varna

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