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Г. Върбанов, Д. Пенчева, M. Станоев, E. Бозаджиева, Ив. Николаева, K. Иванов


A group of 300 patients with diabetes meliitus is subjected to simultaneous examination by a team including therapeutist, ophthalmologist and neurologist.
Diabetic retinopathy is established in 26,27% of the patients, of them 25.47 per cent females and 27.58 per cent males.
Diabetic neuropathy is established in 33.30, of the latter group, the females are affected in 39. 6% and the men - in 26.3 per cent. Correlation between the two diabetic complications is lacking.
Cardiovascular complications are noted in 41.6u, diabetic nephropathy - in 1.6% and various forms of ketoacidosis - 33 per cent.
Familial history is present in 23.3% of the diabetics.
The incidence of complications is directly proportional to the duration and severity of diabetic affection. In hereditary cases no increase of complications is observed.
A certain amount of indifference of complications in terms of the various treatment methods applied is also present.

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About The Authors

Г. Върбанов

Д. Пенчева

M. Станоев

E. Бозаджиева

Ив. Николаева

K. Иванов

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