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Lethality from acute intoxications with organophosphate pesticides in Varna region for a period of 15 years

S. Zlateva, M. Iovcheva, P. Marinov


An analysis of the lethality in cases of acute exogenous intoxications /AEI/ with organophosphate pesticides /OP/ in Varna region for a period of 15 years -1991-2005 was done. It was established that from 207 patients with acute OP poisonings there were 40 lethal cases. The frequency of the lethal cases was 19.32%. 28 / 70%/ of them were men and 12 /30%/ were women. The lethality was significantly higher in men. The proportion of lethal cases in men and women was 2.33: 1. The average age of deceased patients was 59 years. It was reported that with growing up of the age the average lethality had grown bigger too. All the lethal poisonings were by an oral ingestion. In 35 cases /87.5%/ suicidal attempts were done and in 5 cases /12.5%/ accidental household poisonings took place. The main reason about the death was a development of syndrome of multiorgan insufficiency /SMOI/.

Scripta Scientifica Medica 2008; 40(2): 179-181.

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About The Authors

S. Zlateva
Naval Hospital of Varna

M. Iovcheva
Naval Hospital of Varna

P. Marinov
Naval Hospital of Varna

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