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Св. Разбойников, Дим. Ненов, Ив. Стаменов, Х. Kапонов, Хр. Христозов, З. Златанов, П. Панайотов, Г. Kапрелян, Р. Маринова, В. Гърдевска, A. Панайотова, M. Мирчев


Description is made of the clinical and etiological characteristic features in 158 patients with acute pneumonia: 90 of the total present bacterial etiology, Q-fever 19, grippe 8, ornithosis 5, PAP - 5, pulmonary candidomycosis - 1 and 30 cases with unspecified etiology. Emphasis is laid on the rather seldom occurrence of croupous pneumonia (in 5 per cent of the acute pneumonia cases), on the absence of characteristic physical findings in these patients and on the presence of cases with croupous pneumonia in grippe conditions, ornithosis and Q-fever. The benign course of the acute pneumonia is characteristic. The sporadic complications encounetered are the following: myocarditis and pleuritis - in grippe pneumonia; abscess - in PAP; pleuritis, migrating thrombophlebitis; pancarditis - in Q-fever. Pulmonary candidomycosis is an extremely rare finding.

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Разбойников, Св., П. Панайотов, Д. Ненов, Р. Маринова, X. Капонов, А. Панайтова, М. Мирчев. — Научни трудове на ВМИ — Варна, т. IV, св. 3, 1965 (под печат).

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Св. Разбойников

Дим. Ненов

Ив. Стаменов

Х. Kапонов

Хр. Христозов

З. Златанов

П. Панайотов

Г. Kапрелян

Р. Маринова

В. Гърдевска

A. Панайотова

M. Мирчев

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