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Diagnostics of liver hydatid disease

Valentin Ignatov, Shteryo Shterev, Anton Tonev, Nikola Kolev, Elitsa Encheva, Aleksandar Zlatarov, Krasimir Ivanov


E. granulosis is the species that prevails in most countries around the world and especially in the Mediterranean region. It is one of the most severe infestations in humans. Biological diagnosis is based on serological tests. Eosinophily  is considered variable because it does occur in cases of hydatid cyst disease but its absence does not exclude the possibility of hydatid cyst existence. Imaging diagnostics is important for the classification of the hydatid cysts. Ultrasound is a noninvasive, widely available method with high sensitivity for the diagnosis of hepatic echinococcosis and low price and is a method of choice. CT is the method of a doubt for suppuration of hydatid  cyst. MRI with high contrast resolution of T1 and T2 images demonstrated better pericyst , daughter cysts and matrix. We reviewed the current trends in the diagnosis of liver cystic echinococcosis.


liver hydatid disease; diagnostic; CT

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About The Authors

Valentin Ignatov
Medical university of Varna

Department of surgery

Shteryo Shterev
Medical university of Varna

Department of surgery

Anton Tonev
Medical university of Varna

Department of surgery

Nikola Kolev
Medical university of Varna

Department of surgery

Elitsa Encheva
Medical university of Varna

Department of surgery

Aleksandar Zlatarov
Medical university of Varna

Department of surgery

Krasimir Ivanov
Medical university of Varna

Department of surgery

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