In the past two decades the scientific interiest in antibodies of plant origin was substantially increased. This is due to the discovering of а vast number of specific phytohemagglutinins as well as to other interesting biological properties of the same, namely their capacity of stimulating the mitotic activity of certain cells, of inhibiting the action of certain -enzymes, of arresting the development of some tumourous cells in vitro etc.
Moreover, plant antibodies represent very suitble, samples for carrying out а thorough study on immunological, biochemical and biophysical properties of the immune bodies in general.
In the present we report the results of our investigation on certain immunological and biochemical properties of phytohemagglutinins, extracted from the seeds of the sort Phaseolus vulgaris (beans sort 4784, 4579, 4540), Soja hispida (soya bean sort Adams, soya sort “granular"), Pisum sativum (peas sort Ramonski and peas Peremiden), Lathirus aphaca (hatchet Taldjer).
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