The chemical composition of concrements has been of clinical interest for long. For that reason methods for its determination have already been devised. А method for the qualitative examination of concrements is proposed bу Halman. These methods are old in many respects and do not meet the present capacities of chemical analysis. А method for quantitative determination has been proposed also bу Schpet and Кeiser, but this method is neither contemporary.
The interest shown in internal and urological practice toward the quantitative composition of concrements stimulated us to elaborate а method for quantitative analysis, primarily of renal and vesical concrements. We directed our attention mainly toward modern methods. Our definite experimental work consisted of the following: 1) comparative study of known methods on model solutions prepared bу us; 2) application of selected methods for definite analysis of concrements. We chose mainly complexometric methods which imvosed а necessity to specify the conditions for determination of Са +, Mg2+, C2O42-, РO43- in model solutions, resembling concrement solutions. The results are reported in the present work.
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