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Scripta Scientifica Medica


V. Zozikov, R. Chochev, M. Radkov


Alimentary toxico-infections аrе аn important medical рroblеm for the city of Varna аnd its district. Regretfully, despite prophylactic measures, the numbег of the cases shows по tendency toward а decrease. On the соntrаrу, if conclusions аге to bе drawn from the case histories of the Clinic of lnfectious Diseases in Vаrnа, facts аrе just the opposite Thus, the number of patients admitted to hospital with the diagnosis of Toxiinfectio alimentaris in 1961 amounts to 92, in 1962 - to l04, аnd during the first ten months of 1963 - to 94 cases. ln fact, the number of individuals affected bу alimentary infections is much higher in comparison with the number of hospitalized patients, since milder cases аrе submitted to domestic treatment. The least severe cases even escape medical registration. Sometimes the total number of patients with alimentary toxico-infections may bе ten times as high as that of the hospitalized cases. For example, duriпg the mass Salmonella outbreak in the village of В. аnd its surrounding villages in Varna district out of the 316 registered cases only 31 were admitted to hospital.

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V. Zozikov

R. Chochev

M. Radkov

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