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Scripta Scientifica Medica


M. Lutskanova, V. Christov


During recent years in our country а sharp decrease is observed in the incidence rаtе of typhus fever, typhoid fever, malaria, diphtheria, anthrax,  etc. We аге now about to eradicate typhus fever as an infectious disease in our countгy. Thanks to the incessant and rapid improvement of the economic and cultural standard of our people and the continuous improvement of the medical services, there exists the actual possibility to eradicate this disease in the next few years.

For these reasons for the present there are а number of particularities in the epidemiology and the clinical picture of typhus fever: sporadic nature of the disease; lack of louse infestation in the focus of infection and in the patient; difficulties in the detection of the source of infection; lack of seasonal determination; а milder clinical course of the disease and very low mortality гates; involvement almost exclusively of adults; difficulties in detection of Rickettsia  Prowazeki in the patient's blооd.

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M. Lutskanova

V. Christov

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