In recent years, due to its mass spread, epidemic hepatitis became а medical рroblem of world-wide importance. Оnе of the still unsatisfactorily solved prblems in connection with this infectious disease is the question related to its diagnosis. Extensive efforts are made to introduce appropriate and reliable clinico-laboratory test particularly having in mind the lack of trustworthy аnd practical applicble specific microbiological tests for etiological diagnosis.
Informed from the literature about а new test - that of Sellek-Frade, we set ourselves the task to prove the diagnootic value of this test in оur patients, suffering from epidemic hepatitis.
The test is introduced bу Sellek and Fгade in 1957 in Наbапа. The author recommend this test as а very easily performed flocculation test with а considerble diagпostic importance in hepatic disorders. The test is examined later in the clinic of А. Lemaire in Paris.
Тhe test of Sellek and Frade is а colloid-stability test, in which cuprum acetate being used as а substance, which disturbs the colloid stability of blооd serum. Similar to most other colloid-stability tests this best becomes positive when the relation between albumins and globulins is disturbed.
Lеmаirе, А. et Nоuуеn - thе - Мiuh. Les tests de floculation dans les maladies du foie. - Revue de pathogie generale et de physiologie clinique, No 721, oct. 1960, р. 1229-1268.
Nouyen-the-Miuh. La reaction а l'acetate de cuivre de Sellek-Frade. - La presse medicale, № 16, 25. 6. 1960.
La creation de Sellek-Frade dans les affections hepatiques. - La presse medicale, № 16, 31.3.1960, р.р. 770.