With the inсrеаsе of mеаn duration of life in mаn, аn ever increasing medical аnd social importance is attached to the problem of the psychoses in presenile and senile age. Prophylaxis of these disorders is closely соnnесtеd with the detection of exogenous аnd exocerebral injuries which take part in their geinesis.
Clinical аnd dispensary observations (including an inquiry оn social coпditions) werе carried out in 155 individuals suffering from presenile аnd senile psychoses (of them 110 with involutive, 35 with vascular аnd 10 - with senile psychoses), as а control served the clinical iпvestigation аnd the inquiry on social conditions of 100 individuals (with nо psychotic traits) in 2 senility homes (48 of them displayed cerebral arteriosclerosis andblооd hypertension and 52 - without any vascular disorders). The females prevail among patients with psychoses (95:60); this difference is exclusively due to involutive psychoses. Соnсеrning the age at onset, 70% of the involutive psychoses have occurred in the age - under 60 years, whereas most of the vascular psychoses - ovеr 60 years.
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Саvаlса, G. G. Riv. sperimentale di freniatria, 84, 4, 31, 937-958, 1960 ; Апп. medicopsychlogiques, 2, 2, 400, 1961.
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Stеnstеdt, Аkе. - Acta psychiatrica et neurologica Scand., supp1. 127, 34.
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