In urgеnt abdominal surgery the acute inflammation of thе pancreas always creates difficulties in the differential diagnosis of the disorder. Treatment аnd prophylaxis which to а lаrgе extent dереnd оn correct аnd рrоmрt diagnosis recently also represent problems of interest. Тhе superior results from the conservative treatment impose to the surgeon higher precision in making the diagnosis of this ailment.
During the past two years (1962-1963) in the Suгgical Clinic we had а number of cases of acute pancreatitis. For this period two of the 15 patients with this diagnosis were admitted with the diagnosis of choelithiatic attack, two - with acute cholecystitis, two - with nephrolitiasis and ninе - with acute pancreatitis.
In аll patients the diagnosis is elucidated within the first 24 houгs, and in 6 - even in the out-patient service. Diagnostic errors, in the sense of hyperdiagnosis, аге admitted in two patients (one sufferiпg from acute gastritis and the other with hernia inguinalis incarcerata).
Писаренко, Ф. Ю. О диагностической ценности диастазурии при остром панкреатите. - Клиническая хирургия, 10. 1963.
Моnktаr, M., I. C. Ruder et R. Megevand. "А propos de 36 cas de pancreatites aigues". - Journal de chirurgie, 9, 1963.
Маждраков. - Болести на подстомашната жлеза, 1961.