In the preseпt paper the authors summarize the results of the investigations carried out on the state of anti-poliomyelitic immunity in Bulgaria during the period 1957 to 1962. Attention is drawn to the fact that due to the wide-spreading of the poliovirus in Bulgaria, 41, 3 % of the total 1083 sera examined (of individuals aged from 0-40 years) contained antibodies against all three viral types. Only 20, 3 % did not form antibodies to any of the polioviral types.
The application of. Salk vaccine enabled the authors to detect the presence of antibodies in 88, 1 % of the sera examined, which antibodies, however, 9-10 months following the last immunization gat strongly reduced - to such an extent, that 28, 3 % nо more contained antibodies to any of the polioviral types.
As а result of the second reimmunization with the live antipoliomyelitis vaccine of А. Sebln, performed in 1962, and after examination of а series of 180 children from three different villages in Bulgaria, the raising was established of antibodies in 98, 7 % of the cases investigated, with much higher level as compared to that before immunization. For exemple, the reimmunization brought about а reduction of the percentage of children with antidogies (in titer smaller or equivalent to 1:4) from 17, 5 % before reimmunization to 3, 5 % after it. This reduction was oblained at the expense of an increase in the percentage of children with antibodies in titer 1:64 and more, which from 25, 7% before reimmunization, reached the figure 66, 9 % after the reimmunzation.
Against the background of the results obtained from the serological investigations carried out, the authors feel that the А. Sebin live antipoliomyelitic vaccine secures (after the second reimmunization) quite а reliable serologic protection in the children undergoing reimmunization.
Величков, В., Стефананова, 3. : Трудове на Научно - изследователския институт по неврология и психиатрия, т. VI, 185-187, 1960.
Величков, В., Стефанова, 3.: Трудове на Научно-изследователския институт по неврол. и псих., т. V, 37-45, 1959.
Величков, В., Митов, Г,. Стефанова, 3., Нинов, Н. : Cп. Хигиена, бр. 2, 37-42, 1961.
Ранrелова, Ст., Кръстев, Т., Иванов, Н.: Cп. Хигиена, бр. 2, 43-46, 1961.
Величков, В., Стефанова, 3., Митов, Г., Нинов, Н. : Виж настоящия том.