After а brief revew of the cement production professional injuries, the data of оnе year research in the cernent plant „Vasil Kolarov" are reported.
The basic professional harm in the plant is а high dust polution of the air. The average air dust concentration of the whole plant is 15, 3 times higther, than it is permissble.
Тhе highest average dust concentration of the air – 356, 99 mg/m3, is established in the packing department, while the lowest - 59, 37 mg/m3 - in the material department. Silica free contents - 4, 2 to 7, 2 %.
The dust concentrations vary considerably in the fire chamber and соаl department - 20, 28 to 848, 00 mg/m3.
The air dust concentrations are also high in the yard, and in the vicinity of the plant. The average concentration (samples taken at different parts of the yard) - is 53, 61 mg. per cubic meter.
The micro'climate in the fire chamber and certain places in the соаl department is overheated. The average ternperature in the fire chamber is 38, 2° С with sharp horizontal temperature fluctuations from 21° to 60 C. The quantities of catadegree and effective temperature, confirm the aspect of the microclimate in these departments. The microclimate in the quarry, material and packing departments depends on the macroclimate and makes the workers more susceptble to colds and pneumoconiosis.
The air in the plant (especially in the coal departrnent), is characterized bу sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide gas contents. The average concentrations are within the normal limits. The average nitrous oxides concentrations in the mine's tunnel and mechanical department are higher then permissble, making possble а poisoning bу explosive gases in case the rules for ventilation are upset.
Detailed recommendations for improvement the working enviroment in the plant are suggested.
Белевицкий, А. М.: Гигиена и санитария, кн. 8, 63, 1960.
Пиголев, С. А. Гигиена труда и nрофзаболевания, кн. 1, 50, 1961.
Садковская, Н. И. : Гигиена труда и профзаболевания, кн. 1, 39, 1959.
Сnектор, М. : Мед. работник, бр. 2 и 5, 1962.
Тарноnолская, М. М. и колектив : Гиrиена и санитария, кн. 1, 26, 1951.
Утц, Р. А. : Гигиена и санитария, кн. 6, 19, 1951.