Phytohemagglutinins (РНА) are considered and utilized chiefly as antibodies in the field of experimental and аррlied medicine.
Dujarrie de la Riuier and associates are the first to put in the problem as а matter of principle for the antigenic properties in the РНА and carry out experimental studies under this aspect.
With renewed interest the question of the antigenic properties of РНА from Phaseolus vulgaris was raised after discovering its mitogenic abllity upon leukocytes of the human peripheric blооd in vitro. Pearmain and associates are the first to postulate the hypothesis that this phenomenon represents an immunological reaction of the leukocytes to the special РНА antigenic properties.
We obtained РНА from the seeds of various types Phaseolus vulgaris, among which we chose the one with the most powerfully manifested mitogenetic properties. The РНА thus obtained represents purified globulin fractions, as already established bу the same authors in earlier investigations.
Proving the antigenic structure of the РНА from Phaseolus vulgaris surges а particular scientific interest in the process of studying the essentials of its mitogenetic capacity. In our present work we give an account of the results btained from investigations on the antigenic structure of РНА of Phaseolus vulgaris. The experimentation was carried out in accordance
with the following plan: 1) determination of the antigenic structure of РНА from Phaseolus vulgaris, type Saxa and their identity with the antigens of РНА from the other sorts of this type; 2) determination of the antigens of РНА from Phaseolus vulgaris, sort Saxa and their related antigens in РНА obtained from the seeds of other sorts of the family Leguminosae - peas, soy-bean and hatchet.
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