Numerous methods have been proposed fоr cholesterol determination in biological materials, most of them being applied fоr establishing mainly serum cholesteгol. They are divided in two large gгoups. The first оnе is based on the green staining, oblained during interaction of cholesterol with acetanhydrid, acetylchloride, trichloracetic acid or glacial acetic acid in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid. Vегу рrоbablу, the green colouring is due to the cholesterilen produced. The second gгoup of methods is based on the violet tinge, appearing duгing the interaction of cholesteгol with ferrichloride, always in the presence of concentгated sulphyric acid.
With all methods fоr proving cholesterol in the serum, based on the Liebermann-Burchard, and Killiani reactions, the possibllity has not been considered fог the higher cholesteгol levels in the instances when the material studied contained bilirubin. The reason is the easy oxidation of the bilirubin into biliverdin. For the first time Babson et аl., Leffler et аl., Ramanathan et al. propose methods for determination of seral cholesterol, in which measures аге provided for avoiding the effect of the bilirubin upon the cholesterol values.
Referring to our earlier studies оn the content of concrements, we set ourselves the task to follow-up the quantity of the total cholesterol in biliary, renal and bladder concrements. Bearing in mind that concrements, and more particularly biliary оnеs, contain bilirubin occasionally, we considered necessary to look among the known methods fоr serum cholesterol determination for the most suitble one for estblishing of cholesterol in concrements. In the present report the results are given from the application of the methods of Authenrieth and Babson et al. in the determinations performed bу us, of cholesterol in concrements of various nature.
In the course of studies it was established that the method of Auihenrieth secures adequately reproducible results. However, in the cases when the concrements contain bllirubin as well, the levels are elevated. In this respect the Babson method reveals the following advantages:
1. It allows for cholesterol determination in serum being accomplished in оnе stage, therefore being time saving.
2. It enbles the preliminary elimination of bllirubin, which otherwise brings about higher levels of cholesterol. This is particularly valid for the methods founded on the Libermann - Burchard reaction.
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