Blood mucoprotein level is а sensitive index for the activity of rheumatic process. However, the problem concerning the importance of these indices in decompensated rheumatic heart diseases is nоt adequately clarified in literature. According to some authors, their values are dimmed in decompensation in а much lesser degree than those of other indices for the activity of rheumatic process. Others state that the level of mucoproteins in decompensation is more frequently increased as compared to compensated heart affections. А third group of investigators are of the opinion that in advanced stages of cardiac insufficiency, these values аrе more readily dimmed and in а higher degree in comparison with the values of other indices.
The goal of the present work is to verify the diagnostical significance of mucoprotein tests as index for the activity of the rheumatic process in decompensated heart diseases, making furthermore an attempt to analyse the characteristic features established.
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