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Scripta Scientifica Medica


K. P. Popov, В. A. Bogdanov


Observations on the development, morphology and clinical importance of papillary inraction are extremely insufficient and scanty as yet. Folowing the purposeful studies carried out by Arhangelskii in this respect, Smoliannikov and Naddachina also deal with this problem. No investigations on the latter have been reported in Bulgaria.

The genesis of heart infarction continues to be a question of controversial opinions despite the extraordinary great number of studies carried out, especially in recent years. Of interest in this respect is the study of the papillary muscle on account of its higher incidence and characteristic features of its blood supply.

In the course of necropsy studies, the posterior papillary muscle was cut longitudinally and in instances of inraction, histologically stained with hemalaun-eosin and pikrofuxin after the van Gieson technique.

Investigation is carried out on 587 necrospy preparations over a period of 14 monts. Bearing in mind that heart infarction occurs mostly after the 30-wear age limit, and predominantly against the background of atherosclerosis and hypertony, our material was studied in this respect as well. Autopsy is performed on 310 cadavera of individuals who died after the 30-years age. The basic affection in 139 of them is disseminated atheromatosis and in 35 – hypertony.  Chiefly the left heart ventricle has been studied. Of a total of 32 myocardial infarctions, 9 appear to involve the posterior papillary muscle in individuals above 55 years; in four the infarct is isolated and in five – combined with infarction in other localities of the wall of the left heart ventricle.

The isolated anatomicalwise infarction of the posterior papillary muscle is with irregular outline, often with a hemorrhagic zone, predominantly situated in the chordal half of the muscle, whereas in combined cases the volume and position of the infarct of papillary muscle is most variable.

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K. P. Popov

В. A. Bogdanov

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