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Scripta Scientifica Medica


G. Iliev, L. Peykov


It has been definitely proved within recent years that toxoplasmosis plays an important role as etiological factor in premature spontaneous interruption of pregnancy, rate of stillbirths and incidence of children born with malformations. There are numerous publications on the question abroad (Holz - 1954, Horatshkova - 1957, Wildfuhr - 1954). Publications оn the problem have been issued in our country as well, but some of them represent merely literature surveys, whereas others bear casuistic and pathoanatomical character (Gigov - Angelova - 1955, Sahatchiev-Sahatchieva - 1955, Andreev, Angelov, Mandradjiev - 1955, Nikolov - Sueva - 1959, Ninova - 1959, Pavlov - 1959, Iliev, G. et аl. - 1959).

In our clinic observations have been made on 700 women with habltual abortions, stillborn children, premature deliveris as well as on children with congenital defects. In 200 cases toxoplasmosis has been proved. Investigations are carried out with toxoplasmin and the reaction for connecting of compliments (RCC). Toxoplasmin has been used in dilution of 1 : 500, 1 : 1000, 1 : 5000 and physiological serum for control. Toxoplasmin was obtained from Chekoslovakia and NIEM (Sofia). Of the women with proved toxoplasmosis, 150 accepted the treatment and 50 refused it.

According to age, positive patients are divided in groups as follows: under 20 years - 31; from 21 to 30 - 92; from 31 to 40 - 26 and over 40 - 1 patient.

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Андреев, Ив., А. Ангелов. Г. Мандраджиев. - Въпр. на пед., акуш. и гинек., 5. 27, 1957.

Николов, Н., Г. Съева. - Въпр. на пед., акуш. и гинек., 6, 53, 1959.

Нинова, П. - Въпр. на пeд. акуш. и гинек., 6, 67, 1959.

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Ноlz, D. - Zentralblatt f. Gynakologie, Н. 1, 4, 1954.

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Сhоrасkоvа, G. - Endokrinologie. Leipzig, 1957.

Wildfuhr, G. - Toxoplasmose, Jenа, 1959.

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G. Iliev

L. Peykov

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