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Scripta Scientifica Medica


Ал. Станчев, Е. Славова, Ив. Цончев, Ст. Калешев


The authors report data concerning the incidence and clinical features of blliary cirrhosis in Varna and district on the basis of studying the case histories of 82 patients with сirrhosis of the liver, treated if the therapeutical department of the Varna district hospital for а ten year period (from 1951 to 1960).

In thе course of ten years 16653 therapeutical patients were admitted to the ward, of which 82 (0,49 %) afiected which biliary cirrhosis.

Based on the experieпce gained the inference is made that the incidence of this condition among women in increased (the ratio of male to female incidence is 5:4). Alcoholism and viral hepatitis are consiciered as рrоbablе etiopathogtnetic factors. The predominance of Laennec's cirrhosis is confirmed pathologo-anatomically in 13 cases which die from cirrhosis.

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About The Authors

Ал. Станчев

Е. Славова

Ив. Цончев

Ст. Калешев

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