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Scripta Scientifica Medica


Ал. Станчев, Е. Славова, С. Герчева, Ан. Георгиева, С. Грозева


It is pointed out that the Donaigio reaction could bе performed with the azure I (methyl thionin) dye. The results oblained with it are grossly registered more explicitly ( + or -). Considering its clinical symptomatology, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and other indices, the authors express the opinion that the dynamics of the morbid process, for instance in rheumatism and other diseases, is more accurately reflected.

It is assumed that the type of dye used in the reaction seems to influence the results obtained thereof.

The syalic acid concentration in the blооd is not on compliance with the results of the Donaggio reaction.


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Ал. Станчев

Е. Славова

С. Герчева

Ан. Георгиева

С. Грозева

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