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Scripta Scientifica Medica


Св. Разбойников, Н. Колебинов


The blood-clotting time is studied four times during 24 hours (every other 8 hours) in а series including 40 individuals of various ages, bу means of the drop and capillary pipet rnethods. Slight variations in the time of coagulation are established in 40 per cent of the investigated throughout the day (24 hours). In the remainder the process revealed а clear-cut tendency towards reduction, reaching its peak value at 6 р. m. or during the first half of the night. The reduction was most strongly manifested in the cases with easily excitable nervous system and in older individuals (over 60 years) affected with atherosclerosis or hypertonia.

It is stated that the changes in the time of blood-clotting could explain the frequently encountered thromboembolic complications in the first half of the night in patients with advanced atherosclerosis and hypertonic disease

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Св. Разбойников

Н. Колебинов

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