Urolithiasis is one of the most widely spread diseases in the district of Varna. According to the case records of the surgical department in the Varna District Hospital it is established that the incidence of the condition is higher among males, predominantly urban population (58,2 %), with most frequent localization in the kidneys (65,7%), and to а lesser extent in the bladder (28,6%) and ureters (5,4 %).
The authors feel inclined to correlate the incidence of the affection with the high mineral content of drinking water and past history of renal infection illness (44,4%). X-ray examination has bееп performed nearly in all patients, and in 4 per cent of them the concrements were radionegative.
In 67,7 per cent of the total the following complications were observed: pyelitis and pyelonephritis (25,2 %), hydronephrosis (21,4%), renal dysfunction 14%) аnd pyonephrosis (7,1 %).
Of the total series including 321 patients, 131 (43,9 %) were sybjected to conservative treatment (with mortality rate amounting to 3,05 %) and 190 (56,1 %) - to surgery (with З,6 % mortality); the chief reasons for lethal outcome are stated to bе sepsis and uremia.
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