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Св. Разбойников


А total of 190 patients are examined with chronic rheumatic heart diseases, divided in three groups as follows: 70 with first degree decompensation, 70 - second degree decompensation and 50 - third degree. In the present series 35 cases are included which underwent commissurotomy and 15 dead As indices of the general reactivity of the organism the values of temperature, reaction of sedimentation of erythrocytes аnd C-reactive protein are used, аnd for the immunologic reactivity - the values of AST.

The follow up of the value aiterations in the indices with the various groups of patients, аnd dynamically in а single case, showed that with the progres of decompensation the values of temperature, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and particularly of AST are reduced. The mean value of the latter in patients of the first group is 227 U, in those of the second group - 193 U and in the third group - 150 U, whereas the mean values in patients with evidence for active rheumatic process - 333 U, 275 U and 162 U respectively.

In three cases of the third group а clear cut devaluation of AST values is disclosed with subsidiпg of decompensation.

The reverse phenomenon is established with respect to C-reactive protein: а tendency towards positivation with development of decompensation.

The general reactivity of the organism is considerably less reduced with the advancement of decompensation as compared to the immunologic reactivity.

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Св. Разбойников

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