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Scripta Scientifica Medica


М. Генова, Ел. Малева, Д. Попова


А review is made of 606 children witch various traumata, treated in the surgical and orthopaedic department of the District Hospital - Varna over the past tеn years (1952-1961). Anlysis is made of the type of traumatism аnd rnortality rate, with description of the characteristic features of the various types of injuries. In conclusion, the authors emphasize the necessity of adequate prophylactic rneasures and reduction of rnortality in this group of patients. А thorough investigation of childrеns traumatism is advised for the entirt district. It is pointed out that there exist would-be (laic) healers still practicing their trade. Emphasis is laid оn the urgent necessity of increasing the number of beds in the pediatric surgical department, аnd on the securing of а sufficient number of skilled medical and nurse personnel as well.

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About The Authors

М. Генова

Ел. Малева

Д. Попова

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