Hemorrhages from the gastro-intestinal tract in children are rareliy due to ulcers (20-25%). Accordingly, an interdependance should bе looked for with hypersplenia, eventually of thromboembolic origin. The cause of each splenomegaly should bе duely elucidated аnd in case of being of thrombophlebltic nature, splenectomy must bе carried out.
The clinical picture of theromboembolic plenomegaly is discussed and the differential diagnostical characteristic features of this particular morbid syndrome are pointed out. In all instances, the cause for thrombophlebitis of the plenic veins should bе еstablished, the infection being always secondary.
Two female patient are described with thrombophlebitic splenomegaly, admitted to the clinic with massiwe hemorrhage from the esophagus. In conclusion, splenectomy is stated to bе the most effective treatment pointing out however, that it i а very heavy operation, accounts for high mortality rate and should not bе embarkeb оn unless maximum amount of blооd has been secured for the patient, and all other reanimation means as well.
Тарновский, С. Д. : Хирургия детскоrо возраста, изд. III, Медгиз, Москва, 1959,
Касирский, И. А., Хосанова, К. А. : К вопросу о гемолитических ошибках при nоказаниях и сnленектомии, Хир., № 2, с. 31-40, 1960.
Белорусова, П. М., Вербенко, А. А. : Спленектомия по поводу болезни Коровникова, Хир., №2, с, 90-95, 1960.
Белорусова, И. М.: Воnроси хирургии детского возраста, Медrиз, с. 79-92, 1959.
Grob, М. : Lehrbuch der Кinderhirurgie, Verl. G. Thieme, Stu1tgart.
Неi1mеуеr, L. : Die haemarologischen Indicatione zur Splenectomie und pathologischen Hintergrunde, М. med. Wsch., №3, J. 102, p. 117-123, 1960.
Burkhard, R. : Neue Ergebnisse uber die Funktion und Erkrankungen der Milz., М. m. Wsch., № 3, J. 102, p. 124-129, 1960.