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Scripta Scientifica Medica


Р. Койнов, Ив. Тодоров, Хр. Пазов


Оn the basis of two persoпal observations, the authors discuss the problem of the existance of meningo-encephalitic form as а complication of the nervous system in case with morbilli - а condition not reported hitherto bу modern authors аs Nozov, Futter, Margulis etc.

Pointing out the rapid improvement and healing under the effect of antibiotherapy, the paramount importance of this treatment is emphasized with reference to the numerous complications of the visceral organs in cases with morbilli.

In conclusion, after pointing out the possiblle relation between the past morbillous infection and the development of epileptic syndrome, the authors propose that in encephalitic complications routiпe management with sedatives should bе applied, whereas in the instances of convulsions аnd epileptic seizures - prolonged antiepileptic therapy. Furthermore, it is emphasized that the epileptic syndrome which is developed subsequent to morbllli could bе dealt with as „genuine epilepsy".


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Р. Койнов

Ив. Тодоров

Хр. Пазов

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