According to the recent epidemiological reports atrial fibrillation (AF) affects about 6 million people in Europe and the number is expected to double in the next 50 years (1). Because of the growing incidence, AF is considered as `the new epidemic` (2).
Despite being recognized as far back as ancient Greece and China, nowadays AF is a real challenge for cardiologists. The numerous antiarrhythmic drugs, namely blockers of !-adrenergic receptors and cardiac ion channels, as well as catheter ablation have inadequate efficacy on AF recurrences and progressive clinical course. Main limitation for these results is the poor understanding of arrhythmia pathogenesis (3). Thus, in the last years, the efforts of scientists are increasingly focused on the underlying mechanisms concerning AF initiation and recurrences.
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Rasoli S, Kakouros N, Harling L et al. Antioxidant Vitamins in the Prevention of Atrial Fibrillation: What Is the Evidence? Cardiology Research and Practice, 2011, Article ID 164078, 8 pages.
Youn JY, Zhang J, Zhang Y et al. Oxidative stress in atrial fibrillation: an emerging role of NADPH oxidase. J Mol Cell Cardiol., 2013 Sep;62:72-9.
Gu WJ, Wu ZJ, Wang PF, Aung LH, Yin RX. N-Acetylcysteine supplementation for the prevention of atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis of eight randomized controlled trials. BMC Cardiovasc Disord., 2012;12:10.