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Concomitant combined degenerative compression of the spinal cord and cauda Equina: A report on three cases

Atanas Davarski, Ivo Kehayov, Tanya Kitova, Christo Zhelyazkov, Borislav Kitov


We report on three cases with concomitant combined degenerative compression of the spinal cord and cauda equina which were diagnosed and operated in a single stage. The first case presents left-sided paramedian disc herniations at L1-2 and L4-5 levels, combined with concurrent degenerative spinal stenosis. The second case includes right-sided paramedian disc herniation at Th12-L1 level in combination with severe degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis at L3-4 level. The third case describes advanced degenerative compression at Th7-8 level with concurrent central spinal stenosis at L4-5 level.

We have discussed the clinical presentation of concurrent combined symptomatic degenerative compression of the spinal cord and cauda equinа which can deceive the physician and lead to omitted diagnosis of the thoracic compression.

In an attempt to avoid misdiagnosis of thoracic degenerative compression, it is necessary to perform thorough neurological examination of the spinal cord motor and sensory functions. In addition, further MRI examination of upper spinal segments is needed, if previous studies of the lumbar spine fail to provide reasonable explanation for the existing neurological symptoms.


thoracic spinal stenosis; lumbar spinal stenosis; myelopathy; radiculopathy

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About The Authors

Atanas Davarski
Medical University of Plovdiv

Department of Neurosurgery

Ivo Kehayov
Medical University of Plovdiv

Department of Neurosurgery

Tanya Kitova
Medical University of Plovdiv

Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology

Christo Zhelyazkov
Medical University of Plovdiv

Department of Neurosurgery

Borislav Kitov
Medical University of Plovdiv

Department of Neurosurgery

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