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CB1 receptors in the thalamic reticular nucleus during acute immobilization stress of the rat : an immunohistochemical study

Lina Malinova, Boycho Landzhov, Anastasia Bozhilova-Pastirova, Dimka Hinova-Palova, Minko Minkov, Lawrence Edelstein, Adrian Paloff, Wladimir Ovtscharoff


Cannabinoids and opioids interact in a number of ways that could be therapeutically beneficial. The CB1 receptors are implicated with the endocannabinoid-mediated modulation of stress, pain, visceral sensation, synaptic plasticity in the thalamus via GABAergic signaling. Thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) is a thin sheet of GABAergic neurons surrounding anterolateral surface of the thalamus. In our immunohistochemical study we demonstrated expression of CB1 immunoreactive neurons in a light microscope during a normal condition and after the acute stress in the rats. We found higher expression of CB 1 immunoreactivity in stressed animals compared with control group.

Opioids and cannabinoids have been shown to have analgesic properties and they are considered as drug targets for the treatment of numerous neurological disorders, pain and stress.


Thalamic reticular nucleus; CB 1 receptors; immobilization stress; rat

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About The Authors

Lina Malinova
Medical University of Sofia

Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology

Boycho Landzhov
Medical university of Sofia

Department of anatomy, histology and embryology

Anastasia Bozhilova-Pastirova
Medical university of Sofia

Department of anatomy, histology and embryology

Dimka Hinova-Palova
Medical university of Sofia

Department of anatomy, histology and embryology

Minko Minkov
Medical university of Varna

Department of anatomy, histology and embryology

Lawrence Edelstein
Medimark corp., San Diego, CA
United States

Adrian Paloff
Medical university of Sofia

Department of anatomy, histology and embryology

Wladimir Ovtscharoff
Medical university of Sofia

Department of anatomy, histology and embryology

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