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Advantages of laparoscopic surgical techniques in the treatment of rectal prolapse

G. Gurbev, I. Zhivkov, D. Banchev


The authors reviewed the problems in the treatment of rectal prolapse and compared the results of the monitoring of a group of 124 patients over a period of 16 years. Based on the application of different surgical techniques and follow-up of short-term and long-term results, they suggested the use of laparoscopic surgical techniques in patients with high surgical risk and advanced stage of rectal prolapse.


rectal prolapse; laparoscopic approach; laparoscopic rectopexy; laparoscopic resection

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About The Authors

G. Gurbev
Military medical academy of Sofia

I. Zhivkov
First Multiprofile Hospital for Active Treatment of Sofia

D. Banchev
First Multiprofile Hospital for Active Treatment of Sofia

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