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Lung perfusion scintigraphy in pulmonary carcinoma and pulmonectomy

Nina Georgieva, George Kalaydjiev, Evelin Obretenov, Katya Peeva


PURPOSE: The surgical treatment is the most successful treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in oncology practice. Lung perfusion scintigraphy as a non-invasive method for evaluation of the perfusion defect related to tumor localization in lung cancer patients is considered the differentiating line of pulmonary tests to predict post-operative lung function.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analyzed retrospectively the value of lung perfusion scintigraphy in 10 cases with primary lung carcinoma who had a pulmonectomy (9 left and 1 right pulmonectomy).

RESULTS: Changes in affected lung perfusion varied from impaired in different rate to perfusion defect in at least 3 lung segments (presented in 3 of the patients), 4 lung segments (present in 2 of the patients), or parts of segments, or defect affecting whole lobe. Impaired perfusion in a zone with polycyclic outlines in homolateral hilum was present in 7 of the patients. Perfusion indices at localization in the left lung (8 of the patients) were mean = 36,79%, SD=19,35%, SE=6,8%.

CONCLUSION: Lung perfusion scintigraphy is a valuable method in the complex of pre-operative examinations to define the extent of the impairments in pulmonary perfusion and predicting the post-operative pulmonary function when pulmonectomy is about to be elaborated. The rate of perfusion changes and the percentage of involvement of the affected lung in the common pulmonary function correlate with survival. The low perfusion in the affected lung is not necessarily a contraindication for operative treatment.


lung carcinoma; lung perfusion scintigraphy; pulmonectomy

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About The Authors

Nina Georgieva
Trakia University Stara Zagora

Department of Nuclear Medicine Medical Faculty

George Kalaydjiev


Clinic of Thoracic Surgery National Oncology Hospital Sofia

Evelin Obretenov


Clinic of Thoracic Surgery University Hospital Stara Zagora

Katya Peeva


Department of Social Medicine and Health Management Medical Faculty Trakia University Stara Zagora

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