Scientific Online Resource System

Scripta Scientifica Medica

Vol 37 (2005)

Cover and Contents PDF


Antibiotic therapy in the infections in colo-rectal surgery. Clinical and microbiological approaches PDF
G. Kirov, E. Keuleyan 111-117

Original Articles

An effect of abnormal ion electro migration rate in aqueous solutions at pH between 2.5 and 4.5 PDF
G. D. Bontchev, G. A. Bojikov, P. I. Ivanov, M. Milanov 83-86
Morphological changes in the human pineal gland in sudden death PDF
V. Dokov, W. Dokov, I. Burulianova 87-89
Neuroinfections in people over 60 PDF
M. Gospodinova, M. Nenova 91-95
Dynamical gastroscintigraphy with semi-solid food for early diagnosis of disorders in stomach motility PDF
B. Chaushev, A. Klisarova 101-103
Malignant tumors of the extrahepatic bile ducts - Do they remain a challenge? PDF
V. Dimitrova, K. Draganov, S. Bonev, I. Taneva, E. Tosheva, D. Rusenov, S. Tonev 105-109
Intraoperative colonoscopy - Indications and advantages PDF
V. Ignatov, K Ivanov, N. Kolev 119-121
Civil gunshot injuries of the rectum - 25 years of experience PDF
G. Kirov 123-126

Case Reports

Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum PDF
S. Racheva, St. Pavlov 97-99
Unruptured left coronary sinus of Valsalva aneurysm with bicuspid aortic valve stenosis and left ventricular inferior wall ischemia PDF
P. Panayotov, V. Danov, S. Bazerbashi, R. Tarazi 127-129

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