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Scripta Scientifica Medicinae Dentalis

Diagnostic approach to the incorrect position of lower second premolars

Zornica Valcheva, Hristina Ivanova Arnautska, Tsvetan Tonchev, Tihomir Georgiev


Abstract: The lower second premolar is regarded as the third most common impacted tooth after lower wisdom teeth and upper canines. The aim of the present study is to apply objective diagnostic methods to help determine the impaction likelihood of lower second premolars and their distal inclination. For the purpose of this study 137 panoramic radiographs (OPGs) have been examined of children aged 8 - 16 years. The methodology used in this study helped measure the inclination and angle between the lower second premolar and the crown and axis of the first permanent molar and the mandibular plane. Prevalence of the distal inclination of lower second premolars was observed. Indicators for the impacted lower second premolar proved to be the germ inclination of the lower fifth tooth in relation to the first molar of more than 30° and the intersection of the crown of the sixth tooth by the axis of premolar as well as the inclination towards the mandibular plane of less than 68°. Early extraction of deciduous molars, reserving or creating space when there is a lack of space, allow for favourable conditions for altering the eruption path of the premolar.


lower premolar; second temporary molar; impacted premolar; disturbed eruption path

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About The Authors

Zornica Valcheva
Faculty of Dental Medicine Medical University, Varna

Hristina Ivanova Arnautska
Department of PDM and Orthodontics Faculty of Dental Medicine Medical University, Varna

Tsvetan Tonchev
Faculty of Dental Medicine Medical University, Varna

Tihomir Georgiev
Faculty of Dental Medicine Medical University, Varna

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